ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Hosted/Steep_Slope_Buffer_Final_Clean (FeatureServer)

View In: ArcGIS JavaScript   ArcGIS Online Map Viewer

Service Description:

All Layers and Tables

Has Versioned Data: false

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON

Supports Query Data Elements:

Layers: Description:

Areas, within 25 feet of the top of a steep slope of greater than 25% where the onsite and offsite contiguous area of the slope is greater than 20,000 sq. ft. with the upslope buffer included.

Steep slope areas + 25 ft buffer along the top side of the steep slope that are greater than or equal to 20,000 sq. ft.

Service Item Id: 5862e13ef75b471fb1afbb25f16ca65f

Copyright Text: Produced for Matt Johnson Prepared by Erik Hovland, Research and GIS, Office of Planning and Zoning, Anne Arundel County Government. Date: 3/10/2020 Source: 2017 DEM

Spatial Reference: 2893  (2893)

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriFeet

Document Info: Enable Z Defaults: true

Sync Capabilities:

Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: true

Supports Dynamic Layers: false

Child Resources:   Info   Replicas   Relationships

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Contingent Values   Apply Edits   Append   Create Replica   Synchronize Replica   Unregister Replica